Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Human Trafficking Awareness Night Recap.

A few weeks ago, Inspire had the great opportunity to host an art raffle and night of awareness for human trafficking during the Super Bowl. It went really well and we are SO incredibly well! Thank you to all who came out and supported us and participated in the raffle!
Almond Cake and Citrus Raspberry Cake we made for the event!
Leah speaking at the event!
Julia speaking at the event!

We just want to say thank you to Julia and Leah for sharing their hearts and what God has used them for to further the work of rescuing human slaves or spreading awareness. Their hearts greatly touched our own and we are so happy that we got to share this event with them! 
To all that made their way out to the event, thank you thank you thank you! Christian Laliberte and Charles Lucyk were awesome tech guys for the night and we just wanted to make sure you all know how thankful we are!
We also wanted to share some great news! According to CBS Sports,

"The FBI rescued 16 juveniles and arrested more than 45 pimps in conjunction with a child sex trafficking operation that revolved around the Super Bowl.
Some of the pimps and their associates claimed to have traveled to New Jersey for last Sunday's Super Bowl, “for the purpose of prostituting women and children,” the FBI's press release stated."

That is so awesome! Praise God that the police intervened and those kids were rescued! Please continue to pray for those who were not though. It deeply saddens us, but the reality of it is that we still have so much work to do!

Thank you again to all that made this event possible and to those who fought in their own ways against human trafficking during the Super Bowl weekend.

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